Sunday, February 14, 2010

launching of IPG in Cluster 9 R DES Anguilles

What a marvellous day
This day will be remembered as the King of Valentine days for the Lovers of The King of Kings The Glory of God Baha'u'llah
How could  I tell or write the feelings , spiritual or the  Faith demonstrares by the friends of Cluster 9, truly this servant is not worthy of so a task ,,......
Let us say that they were very enthusiastics and were prepared  for the launching of the IPG , We learn that
prior to this memorable day they had work hard for 3 years

Many anecdotes was share one who came in my mind was told by  a children class teacher She said one day as she approach the house where the class to be held a little one the younger one who were still too young to follow the class was waiting with a little pencil in his hand and said to the teacher I WAS WAITING FOR YOU??

Many stories and sharing the Counsellor Eddy Lutchumaya enlighted us about entry by troops and Mr Joselito Nsa Member share a beautiful powerpoint on IPG
we have a   video presentation of arising to serve
The wife of Ajay Keenoo made a beautiful presentation of the plan using a design of a boat she had prepare
and all participants of the plan was given a wawe to stick on the board --
she  monitor the plan so well the Counsellor make a remark at the end that she has done a travail chasis
oh now i had a trouble reminding her name like sastie
thank you cluster 9 for such a beautiful  job
love   jo

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